68504 is a zip code in North Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska, and has a population of 16,444....
68503: Real estate transfer rate, Homeowner vs Rental
This is a bar graph of the Real Estate Transfer by year. Homeowner VS Rental. Since 2017 the number of real estate transfers between ownerships has greatly increased. As well as the number of rentals purchased every year as they are almost surpassing blue (the homeowners).
LNKinsights 2024
This is data that we have collected and constructed into graphs. All of our data is from public records.
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This is a Pie chart showing the percentages of Homeowners vs Rentals.
68503 is comparable in size to 68504 however has a much larger percentage of single-family houses that are currently rentals. This is concerning as this zip code is an area that many choose for a starter home.
55.1% Homeowner: Counting only single-family homes.
40.8% Rental: This number only includes single-family houses. No duplexes, apartment buildings, or commercial properties.
4.1% Regained: This number represents the amount of rental houses that come up for sale and regain the Homeowner status.
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Investigating who the rental owners are, we broke the numbers down.
56.1% Individual Sole Proprietor: These are people who own anywhere from a few properties to 10+ properties in their full legal name.
36.4% Entities: These are LLCs (Limited Liability Companies), Incorporated Businesses, and city/county housing authority properties.
7.5% Trusts: Only those who own multiple properties, or have different mailing addresses are counted. Individuals who have put their own house in a trust are not counted.
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